I recently went to the city of Novellara to attend Vaisakhi. For who doesn’t know what I’m talking about, Vaisakhi is a traditional Sikh celebration commemorated al over the world.
Sikhs gather at their temple, called Gurdwara, all elegant in their most beautiful attires. Orange is predominant, being it the traditional colour. Sikhs say their prayers, which – trust me – is an incredible moment to witness. They enjoy a meal together and then a procession begins, where a fload of people in their brightest clothes, many without shoes, walk and sing and pray. It feels like being part of a solemn and joyous rainbow.
The beauty of the Sikh community really charmed me since my first Vaisakhi two years ago, that’s why I wanted to come back again. Not to talk of the amazing food they invite you to enjoy in a communal meal, which is, by the way, another incredible moment of togetherness to experience. All people are welcome to attend, all are taken care of, all are give their full and warm attention because Sikhs believe in a non-sexist, non-racist society where all people of all casts, religions are equal, and it really shows in the most natural and enchanting way.
Note: I am not by any means an expert of the Sikh community, or their religion customs and traditions. So if you’re curious to know more I suggest you this online resource: http://www.sikhs.org.